
Bergen County, NJ: DWI / Marijuana DUI Arrests

Lyndhurst — A 52-year-old New Jersey man was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol last week on Thursday evening when police found the allegedly intoxicated suspect in his car, which was parked and partially blocking the roadway on New York Avenue. In addition to drunk driving, he was charged with having an open alcohol container in his vehicle, as well as careless driving. Reports stated he was released to Hackensack University Medical Center.

Lyndhurst — Early on May 15, an out-of-state man was arrested for DWI following a motor vehicle stop on Ridge Road. Police charged him with driving under the influence of alcohol after they noticed he was unable to keep his vehicle properly in his lane. The 41-year-old driver refused to submit to breath test. He was charged with not carrying a driver’s license and careless driving, then released on summonses to a responsible party.

North Arlington — Police reported a motor vehicle stop on May 8 at Ilford and Prospect avenues. Officers detected the odor of burnt marijuana and determined a 16-year-old male passenger from North Arlington and the 17-year-old male driver from Lyndhurst, had been smoking marijuana. The passenger and driver were both charged with being under the influence of marijuana. The driver was also charged with DWI and violating his provisional driver’s license for having four people in the car.

North Arlington — A 37-year-old resident of North Arlington was arrested last week on Wednesday morning for DWI, reckless driving, refusal to submit to a breath test, as well as not wearing a seat belt. The stop occurred on River Road by Stevens Place. Police reports indicate that the driver failed a field sobriety test, after which police impounded his car. He was later released to a responsible party.

North Arlington — A 27-year-old Newark man was arrested on May 15 at 1:53 a.m. for DWI. The driver, whose car was parked on Prospect Avenue, was also charged with refusal to submit to breath test, failure to produce registration and having no insurance. Police state that he failed the field sobriety test. His car was impounded and he was released on summonses.

With the warmer weather upon us more people are enjoying there evenings. Unfortunately, instances of drunk driving also tend to rise at this time. New Jersey’s law enforcement officers are well aware of this and are constantly looking for intoxicated drivers. If you or someone you know has been charged with, or issued summonses for, driving while intoxicated, drug DUI or marijuana DWI, you could be subject to fines and/or jail time. In such cases, we highly recommend you retain a New Jersey DWI / DUI Defense Attorney. Our legal team has the experience to help you prepare for your case.

Police Blotter 05/21/09, LeaderNewspapers.net, May 21, 2009

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