
Burlington Co. Drunk Driving News: Several DWI Arrests in Bordentown, NJ, Area

Many police arrests that are made each week across the Garden State involve drivers suspected of DWI or drug-impaired driving. Whether a motorist is accused of an alcohol-related offense behind the wheel or charged with operating their car or truck while impaired by some type of controlled dangerous substance (CDS), the implications for the accused person’s future can be significant, especially if a conviction for DWI or drug DUI occurs.

As New Jersey trial lawyers experienced in the defense of drivers accused of drunken driving or impaired vehicle operation due to prescription medications, my colleagues and I are well aware of the importance in getting all the facts and developing up a strong defense. It must be understood that a fair percentage of DWI-DUI arrests may, in fact, be warranted; however, many others are usually based on weak evidence or improper arrest procedures on the part of the police.

With several former municipal prosecutors on my legal team, my firm has the legal background and courtroom experience to defend against many of the strategies used by the state to obtain a drunk driving conviction. As DWI defense attorneys, my law firm is aware that that a certain percentage of drivers who are charged with driving while intoxicated will not necessarily be found guilty. In fact, under some circumstances, by pointing out deficiencies in the prosecution’s case, our lawyers can have the charges reduced or dismissed by the court.

Of course, there are few if any guarantees in life, but for those individuals who believe that they were unjustly accused of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence, consulting with a qualified DWI attorney can make a difference. Certainly, with the stiff penalties associated with a drunk driving or drug DUI conviction, there is little too lose by getting some straight information from a legal expert in the field.

Naturally, the first step toward a potential drunk driving arrest is being stopped by a patrolman in the first place. Following an often minor traffic infraction, the if the officer in charge has any suspicion that a motorist has recently consumed even a small amount of alcohol, the chances of being taken into custody and charged with DWI-DUI rises rapidly. The following items pulled from a recent news article covering police arrests in Burlington County, NJ, illustrate several scenarios that could happen to many people after being stopped by police.

Burlington Driver Arrested for Intoxicated Driving after Single-vehicle Accident
Local police took a 53-year-old man into custody after responding to a report of an overturned truck near W. Front St Tuesday afternoon in January. According to the news article, Patrolmen arriving at the scene found a pickup truck resting on its side with the driver apparently nearby. Based on police reports, the Burlington resident was arrested by officer and charged with DWI, reckless driving and breath test refusal. He was eventually released pending a court date.

Bordentown Police Chase and Arrest Local Driver for DWI
Having received a report of an aggressive driver on Rte 130, officers from the Bordentown PD came upon a motor vehicle stopped apparently by the roadside along a stretch of Cedar Ln. The policemen stated that they observed what they assumed was the driver apparently asleep at the wheel. As the officers approached the vehicle, the 58-year-old local man drove away. Giving chase, the officers eventually stopped the driver near Dulty’s Ln. Officers reportedly discovered an open alcoholic beverage in the man’s vehicle. He was arrested and charged with reckless driving, exceeding the posted speed limit, failing to maintain his lane and driving the wrong way on a one-way street, as well as attempting to elude police. According to news reports, the driver was taken to the Burlington County Jail in lieu of $10,000 bail for the eluding charge.

Florence Resident Arrested for DWI and Threatening Police
Bordentown police officers charged a 40-year-old man with driving while under the influence of alcohol after making a traffic stop at Hornberger and Second Ave. Based on the news item, the officer in charge apparently detected the odor of alcohol on the driver’s breath. During the traffic stop, the man became uncooperative and allegedly threatened the officers as they were transporting him to police headquarters. The driver was eventually charged with drunk driving, reckless driving and operating a motor vehicle while on a suspended license, among others.

POLICE BLOTTER: February 6; CentralJersey.com; February 6, 2014

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