Articles Posted in Breath Test Results


Ignition Interlocks: The Current Reality for Many Convicted New Jersey Drunken Driving Offenders

It’s safe to say that most people who have more than a few decades under their belts may have seen and experienced quite a bit in their life so far. That said, it wouldn’t be a stretch to suggest that being arrested by a police officer for anything would be…


Liquor Store Owner Calls Police after Allegedly Intoxicated Customer Tries to Buy More Alcohol

Just a note to any drunk individuals who might mistakenly believe that liquor stores are their best friends. All we can say is don’t count on it; the odds of these businesses risking their livelihoods for you are very low indeed. When it comes to drinking and driving, my firm…


Considering Drunk Driving Charges Based on Breath Samples vs. Blood Samples

When looking at the process of charging a motorist with operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, establishing proof of intoxication is a primary concern for the arresting officer as well as the local prosecutor who will eventually try the DWI case. There is no question of whether…


Debate Continues: Alcotest Machine Under Fire for Alleged BAC Measuring Inaccuracies

Anyone who has followed the course of anti-drunk driving enforcement will likely understand that there are two primary methods used by police to determine a suspect’s blood-alcohol concentration or “BAC.” The measurement of the amount of alcohol in the blood by volume has long been a primary tool for police…


Piscataway, NJ, Motorist Tasered by Police following Out-of-State DWI Accident

With years of experience representing New Jersey motorists who have been accused of driving under the influence of beer, wine, hard liquor or drugs, our law firm is committed to seeing that those accused of an offense get their day in court. While some drivers are found guilty of DWI…


NTSB’s Proposed 0.05 BAC Limit Unlikely to Become Law in New Jersey Anytime Soon

There has been a bit of concern in some quarters about the future of a stricter legal limit for driving while intoxicated (DWI) in New Jersey, as well as other states across the country. Ever since the recommendation from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), the blogosphere has been buzzing…


New Jersey Drunk Driving Police Blotter: Officers in Middlesex and Monmouth County Arrest Drivers for DWI

Prosecutions of motorists accused of driving while intoxicated can unfold in a number of different ways here in the Garden State. In situations where a driver is charged with operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol usually focus on whether or not the defendant was impaired by beer,…


Union County DWI Police Blotter: Fanwood, Garwood and Summit Police Make Multiple Drunk Driving Arrests

It’s easy to become incensed about a traffic ticket, especially for an individual who has never before been face to face with a municipal patrolman or a state trooper; authority figures who essentially tell a that person that he was, plain and simple, in the wrong. But imagine not only…


Alleged Racial Profiling Blamed in Out-of-State DWI Arrest of Motorist with Zero Blood-alcohol Content

Like it or not, we do not live in a perfect world. Day in and day out, law abiding citizens all across the country are stopped on our nation’s roadways and arrested for any number of offenses for which the charges are later dropped or dismissed in a court of…


NJ Police Blotter: DWI Arrests Include Suspect Fleeing from Drunk Driving Stop in Union County

Here in the Garden State, motorists are not lacking in choice when it comes to selecting a drunk driving defense attorney to representing their interests following a DWI or drug DUI arrest. Whether it’s a routine traffic stop that results in a summons for impaired driving or multi-car accident that…

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