Articles Posted in DWI Law and Legislation


New Jersey Lawmakers Consider Reducing License Suspension Times but Mandating Ignition Interlock Devices in DWI Cases

If you have been arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI), call our New Jersey DWI attorneys to discuss your case and begin planning your next steps. These are extremely serious charges that should never be taken lightly since they can negatively impact many aspects of your future. For years, we…


Bar Serving Alcohol Settles Case After Fatal New Jersey DWI Crash

If you were charged with drinking and driving, you may assume that you are automatically guilty; however, this simply not the case. You have rights and our reputable New Jersey DWI lawyers can help protect those rights. You can take comfort in the fact that are dedicated to providing aggressive…


Proposed NJ Law would Mandate Ignition Interlock for All Drunk Drivers

A DWI arrest can be scary and extremely high-stakes, as a conviction can adversely impact almost every aspect of your life. If you have been charged with a DWI, you should know that you have rights. Our trusted New Jersey DWI attorneys work hard to deliver the highest quality counsel…


Study Finds Ignition Interlocks Reduce Drunk Driving Deaths

If you have been charged with a DWI, you need to contact a skilled New Jersey DWI attorney as soon as possible. A DWI conviction can have serious and long-term detrimental consequences for almost every aspect of your life. With meticulous attention to detail, we can offer strong representation against…

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