
Articles Posted in DWI News


New Jersey Basketball Player Enters Into Plea Agreement Following DWI Charges

A DWI conviction can drastically impact a person’s life, causing harm to the individual’s reputation and career prospects. Even if a person charged with DWI has compelling defenses, there is usually a risk that a trial could result in a guilty verdict.  Thus, in some instances, it may be prudent…


New Jersey Police Officer Charged with DWI after Hit and Run Crash

New Jersey takes a tough stance against anyone convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI). If you were apprehended for a DWI, our accomplished New Jersey drunk driving lawyers are here to protect your rights. We will conduct a thorough investigation into the criminal allegations against you and devise an aggressive…


36 Percent of Surveyed Americans Admitted to Driving While Blackout Drunk

If you have been charged with drunk driving, you may be facing strict and debilitating penalties. Our New Jersey DWI lawyers understand the state’s criminal defense laws and we know first hand that experience counts. Having handled and resolved countless DWI cases, we know how to provide clients with a…


Woman who crashed into Pizza Restaurant in Camden County Charged with DWI

Drunk driving charges can impact virtually every aspect of your existence. If you’ve been arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI), you need to call a New Jersey DWI attorney immediately. While an arrest for DWI can seriously interfere with your life, a DWI conviction can be even worse. You may…


One-third of Teens Have Ridden with an Impaired Driver, Study Finds

Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense and a conviction can have serious negative effects on an individual’s life. If you have been arrested for driving under the influence of drugs, it is critical that your rights are protected. Our experienced New Jersey DWI attorneys will examine the facts…


“If You Feel Different, You Drive Different,” New Traffic Campaign Targets Drug Impaired Drivers

If you are facing driving while intoxicated (DWI) charges in New Jersey, you are at risk of losing your driver’s license, paying hefty fines and even going to jail. The stakes are too high and a DWI conviction can negatively impact virtually every aspect of your life. If you or…

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