Articles Posted in Essex County DWI Defense


Multiple Convictions for Drunk Driving Can Make a New Jersey Driver’s Life More Difficult

As Bergen, Ocean and Monmouth County attorneys who represent motorists accused of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or prescription drugs, we can heartily say that there are potentially harsh consequences for individuals convicted of multiple times for drunken driving or operating a motor vehicle while under the influence…


Intoxicated Drivers Warned about New Jersey’s Plans for Holiday DWI Crackdown

In-state and out-of-state drunken drivers take note, the State of New Jersey will have an increased police presence on public roads throughout the Garden State as the holidays approach. According to news articles, local and state law enforcement departments in Bergen, Passaic and Ocean County, as well as the rest…


Essex County, NJ, Receives Grant Money to Increase Drunk Driving Patrols and DWI Arrests

Like many New Jersey counties, Essex is the recipient of federal funds to cover the cost of traffic enforcement, including increased drunken driving patrols, sobriety checkpoints and other DWI-related policing efforts. As a New Jersey drunk driving defense attorney, I know that not every DWI or prescription drug DUI arrest…


New Jersey DWI Alert: Drunk Driving Enforcement Increases around NJ for Labor Day Holiday

With the coming holiday weekend police agencies around the Garden State will be on a heightened alert for partiers and other people driving while intoxicated between picnics and family gatherings. Regardless of the bad economy, drunken driving arrests and summonses are certain to increase in the next couple weeks. As…


New Jersey DWI Defense News: Essex County, NJ, Drunk Driving and Drug DUI Police Blotter

Defending motorists accused of drunken driving can involve multiple factors, such as how the arrest was conducted, whether or not an Alcotest or other breathalyzer blood-alcohol content (BAC) test was performed, what kind of field sobriety test(s) were administered, and in which municipality the alleged DWI took place. As New…


Seton Hall Report Questions Accuracy of New Jersey Alcotest Breath-testing Machine Regarding DWI Cases

Once again, the validity of breath-test measurements coming out of New Jersey’s Alcotest devices is being questioned, this time by Seton Hall University’s school of law. Titled “The Untestable Drunk Driving Test,” the report shines a spotlight on the reputed accuracy and reliability one of the most damning pieces of…


NJ DWI News: Will New Law Increase Police Focus on Young Drivers, Drunk or Otherwise?

A recently passed law requires drivers under the age of 21 to place a red sticker on their vehicle’s license plates. While the intent of the law appears to be a good-hearted attempt at traffic safety, as a New Jersey DWI defense attorney I tend to side with those claiming…


New Jersey DWI Defense Update: What Every Driver Should Know About Drunk Driving Arrests — Part One

Being drunk on the road is always a risky scenario. But as a New Jersey drunk driving defense lawyer and former municipal prosecuting attorney, I know that many Motorists get caught up in DWI arrests unexpectedly. Understanding that being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol is just the…


New Jersey DWI Police Blotter: Essex and Monmouth County Drunk Driving Arrests

As a representing New Jersey motorists charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, I have handled hundreds of cases involving individuals who drove drunk and had an accident while intoxicated. The state of New Jersey provides stiff fines and jail time for many motorists who operate a vehicle while…


New Jersey DWI Police Blotter: Montclair, NJ, Drunk Driving Arrests

Traffic stops for drunk driving occur every day in New Jersey. The state police and local law enforcement agencies have no tolerance for motorists caught operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, or prescription drugs for that matter. As an experienced DWI defense attorney, I know the requirements…

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