Articles Posted in Morris County DWI Defense


New Jersey Drunken Driving Police Blotter: Morris County Officers Log Multiple DWI, DUI Arrests

Throughout the Garden State, the constant stream of news reports regarding drunk driving, specifically those found online and in the newspaper, illustrate the ongoing fight that law enforcement and our court system continue to have with the very real issue of intoxicated driving. As dedicated criminal and civil defense attorneys,…


Morris County DWI Police Blotter: Randolph Twp. Patrolmen Arrest Drivers for DUI and CDS Possession

Given the current automotive landscape here in New Jersey, there is more than a good chance that a fair percentage of the population either personally knows of or has heard about someone who has been stopped by the police for some kind of traffic infraction during the last year or…


For Some Garden State Drivers, a DWI Arrest is Just One Driving Error Away

It goes without saying that many average motorists can become pretty rattled when a highway patrolman or even a local police officer pulls them over for a traffic offense. Because most people have little, if any, contact with law enforcement professionals in their daily lives, being confronted by any cop…


Morris County Police Blotter: DWI Accident Leads to DWI; Other Alleged Drunk Drivers Arrested

A driver from the Dover area was recently taken into custody by officers from the Randolph Township Police Department after an investigation revealed that the driver may have been intoxicated at the time of the wreck. According to reports, patrolmen responded to a car accident along a stretch of Everdale…


Northern Jersey DWI News: Police in Morris County Arrest Two Drivers on Marijuana-related Offenses

Here in the Garden State, possession of marijuana in a motor vehicle (by a driver) is subject to stiff penalties if one is stopped by the police and charged with same. In terms of strict “possession,” if a traffic stop reveals that a driver has pot inside his vehicle, a…


Jersey Drunk Driving Update: Odd Driver Behavior is a Red Flag for Police

Just like everyone else, police officers are human. And while patrolmen do have many special skills, as well as years of training in criminology and law enforcement, they are not psychics; however, they do know what to look for when it comes to human behavior on Garden State roadways. As…


New Jersey Drunk Driving Arrests Net Motorists in Morris, Hunterdon and Sussex Counties

Most motorists, when charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, usually experience trepidation when facing an upcoming hearing to decide their guilt or innocence. Entering a courtroom without a firm knowledge of the law pertaining to DWI or drug DUI can be a misstep for many people, which can…


Police DWI-DUI Blotter: Morris and Bergen County Cops Make Multiple Drunk Driving Arrests

With hundreds of drivers pulled over by police every week all across the Garden State — for all manner of traffic and vehicle infractions — it is not unexpected that a certain percentage of these police stops will result in arrests for any number of more serious offenses. Drunken driving,…


Monmouth County DWI Defense: Exploring Various Aspects of a Typical Drunken Driving Arrest

Being stopped by a New Jersey State Police officer or local cop for a traffic offense can be unnerving enough for most people without the added concern of being arrested for DWI. As Garden State drunken driving defense lawyers, my firm is all too aware of the emotions that can…


New Jersey DWI Defense Update: More Sobriety Checkpoints Expected across the Garden State

Any time a driver is pulled over by the police, the episode can certainly be an unsettling and even an intimidating experience to the individual behind the wheel. The mere presence of a patrolman at one’s driver’s side window can result in a person looking nervous and perhaps even acting…

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