Articles Posted in Morris County DWI Defense


The Typical New Jersey DWI Stop is Hardly Typical when You’re the One Being Arrested

The skilled attorneys at the Law Office of Jonathan F. Marshall have successfully defended motorists arrested for and charged with drunk driving, drug DUI, breath test refusal and other alcohol and prescription drug-related offenses in Monmouth, Sussex, Middlesex and Union counties. Our commitment to our clients is demonstrated by the…


New Jersey Municipal Courts See the Lion’s Share of DWI-DUI Cases

Nobody ever said that being arrested and charged with a DWI was going to be a pleasant experience. For most people, getting a drunk driving summons or being held in jail overnight to “dry out” can not only be an embarrassing experience, but it can also be rather frightening. This…


New Jersey Drivers Should Expect Labor Day Weekend Featuring Enhanced DWI Police Patrols

For those motorists who have already taken note of the increased number of municipal and state patrol officers plying the Garden State Parkway, highways and surface streets this summer, get ready for more of the same this coming holiday weekend. Police presence on New Jersey roadways this summer, as with…


Beware the Defective Equipment Traffic Stop: Saving a Few Dollars Now Could Cost Thousands Later On

How many times have you seen a driver ahead of you in traffic with a burned-out taillight? While it may seem insignificant to some, a simple $10 light bulb could cause big trouble down the road. Never mind the accident potential of a non-working brake lamp or a faulty turn…


New Jersey DWI News: Garden State Drivers Becoming More Aware of Drunk Driving Consequences

As long as DWI checkpoints and sobriety roadblocks have been used in this state there have been detractors who ask if the cost in equipment, manpower and officer overtime is really worth the effort of bringing in a handful of alleged drunken drivers from time to time. Here in the…


Advanced Patrol Car Electronics and Instant Access to Statewide Motor Vehicle Databases Give Police an Edge

Back in what some of us might call the good ol’ days, having an out-of-date license plate tag or being tardy in making an auto insurance payment was a secret that could mostly be kept to oneself, at least until a driver broke a traffic law right in front of…


New Jersey DWI Defense Update: Minors in a Car Make for Worse Drunk Driving Penalties

As professional litigators, I and my skilled legal staff here at the law offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have been practicing law collectively for nearly a century. Because of this extensive experience in and out of the courtroom, I and my team understand New Jersey’s DWI-DUI statutes and we know…


NJ DWI Police Blotter: Morris and Warren Officers Make Numerous Drunk Driving Traffic Stops

Drunk driving arrests are hardly uncommon here in the Garden State, with our large population and plenty of vehicles on the road. But while intoxicated driving maybe a year-round occurrence throughout the state, the incidences of impaired motor vehicle operation can become especially frequent when the weather starts to warm…


Morris Twp. Police Arrest Driver for Drunk Driving, Accuse Man of False Hit-and-Run Claim

As advocates for motorists accused of drinking and driving, drug-impaired motor vehicle operation and other alcohol-related violations, I and my colleagues maintain a healthy skepticism when it comes to charges levied by local and state police against drivers. But being skeptical of law enforcement officials does not mean that we…


Contemplating Drinking and Driving in New Jersey? Consider How Zealous DWI Enforcement Here Can Be

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past several decades you probably know almost intuitively that municipal patrolmen, as well as our New Jersey state troopers, all have a very keen eye for potentially impaired motorists. Making one’s way onto public roads in any condition other than fully…

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