
Articles Posted in Underage DWI


Prom, Graduation and Summer Vacation: Parents Beware the Season of Underage Drinking in New Jersey

Now that summer is practically here, youngsters all over the Garden State — from junior high to high school will surely be hitting the malls, the seaside and local gathering spots to celebrate yet another school year ended. This is all well and good, but parents of some teens know…


Teen Drinking and Driving: A Dangerous Activity to Start, but with Legal Implications Later in Life

Some might say that teen drinking is an inevitable part of growing up; a literal rite of passage. However, the State of New Jersey has other thoughts regarding underage drinking, not to mention underage DWI. If parents have a difficult time trying to get their children to follow the law…


Many New Jersey Cities to Tighten Up DWI Patrols During High School Graduation, Prom Season

Most likely we didn’t really have to tell you, since many of you already expected this, but police agencies all over the Garden State will be busy this month enforcing anti-drunk driving laws with an eye toward the state’s high school graduates and other celebrants. As New Jersey DWI and…


Garden State Police Blotter: Multiple DWI Arrests, Drug Possession Charges and Alcohol-related Driving Offenses

As we usually see here in the Garden State, not all is sweetness and light on our city streets and highways. While many motorists go about their lives in relative anonymity, the occasional traffic stop is enough to bring one’s name into the local spotlight, if only in the police…


Morris County Drinking and Driving News: New Jersey Teenager Arrested for Underage DWI in Parsippany, NJ

Being stopped by a police officer as a teenage driver can be a harrowing experience. And while inexperienced drivers can be expected to make a driving error from time to time, doing so while being drunk can mean big troubles now and in the future. Not only is underage DWI…


New Jersey Police Blotter: Bergen DWI, DUI and Underage Drinking Arrests in Wyckoff, Glen Rock

Every day of every week, all across New Jersey, state police and local law enforcement officers make multiple arrests of drivers whom they suspect of being intoxicated by alcohol, doctor-prescribed medication (drug DUI), and sometimes even illegal drugs like cocaine, marijuana and meth. While many of these individuals may have…


Bergen County Police Blotter: Elmwood Park and Wyckoff Patrolmen Arrest Motorists for Drunken Driving, Drug Possession

Numerous police arrests are made every day across the Garden State against drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol or some other intoxicated substance. While a fair percentage of these DWI and drug DUI arrests are perhaps warranted, many others are based on less than substantial evidence. As…


Union County Police Blotter: Cranford, NJ, Police Arrests include DWI, Drug DUI and Underage Drinking

Regardless of which county one drives in — Passaic, Middlesex, Union or Mercer — a drunk driving arrest is only an errant lane change away, or for that matter a burned-out headlamp or rolling stop. The fact of the matter is, here in the Garden State, driving with even a…


Passaic County DWI Legal News: Three New Jersey Teens Injured in West Milford Drunken Driving Accident

While I and my legal staff are experienced in the defense of motorists accused of driving under the influence of alcohol, we fully understand the dangers of operating a motor vehicle while in an impaired state. Whether one lives in Morris, Ocean, Atlantic or Monmouth County, the law treats every…


Monmouth County Drunk Driving News: Teens’ Car Strikes Police Car at DWI Checkpoint, Officer Injured

There are always a few things that you don’t want to happen when it comes to driving drunk here in the Garden State. First, underage drinking (and even underage possession of alcohol) should be avoided since it can affect a youngster’s future without him or her even knowing it. Second,…

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