
Former Prosecutor & Now Holmdel NJ DWI Defense Lawyer

The municipal court in Holmdel Township is traditionally in the top 10% of Monmouth County municipalities in DWI arrests. This statistic has held true over the last year and this may explain why our driving while intoxicated defense firm handled so many first offense, second offense and third offense cases this year. Another obvious reason is the fact that Thomas Campo, Esq., is the former prosecutor in Holmdel and that happens to attract a large number of potential clients.

Mr. Campo is one of seven (7) attorneys on our defense staff. He is Alcotest certified, along with four other lawyers, making them among about fifty in the state with this qualification. He also happens to be trained in Field Sobriety Testing, something very few possess, perhaps 15 in the state. Mr. Campo has over twenty years of experience handling alcohol related cases in New Jersey, including time serving as prosecutor at the County level and in about 20 municipalities in the area. If you were arrested for your first offense, second offense or even a third or subsequent offense, Mr. Campo and the other lawyers on our team have the skill and know how to help you.

DWI penalties are severe if you are found guilty of driving while intoxicated in Holmdel Township. The mandatory license suspension is 3 months to 12 months for a first offense, 2 years for a second, and 10 years for a third. The fines and mandatory surcharges amount to thousands of dollars irrespective of the existence of priors. An ignition interlock requirement also applies in many instances, meaning you will have to install a portal breathalyzer in your car once you get your license restored. You should also know that every DWI case filed in Holmdel is supposed to be resolved within sixty days of issuance of the related summons. While cases classically take more than this time to develop, the municipal court prosecutor and judge try to push these cases along. This is a primary reason why you need an experienced and respected lawyer like Mr. Campo handling your Holmdel New Jersey DWI case. He possesses the qualities necessary to avoid a conviction.

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