
Monmouth County DWI Arrests, Underage Alcohol Possession Summonses and CDS Charges

As drunken driving defense attorneys, we’re not surprised at the number of DWI and drug DUI arrests that occur every week across the Garden State. In fact, as the state with arguably the highest population density in the nation, it would be difficult to imagine few if any traffic stops that resulted in a summons for driving while intoxicated.

As New Jersey DWI defense lawyers, I and my team of qualified drunk driving attorneys know the state’s DWI/DUI laws, as well as the potential for monetary penalties and even social stigma following a drunk driving conviction. As an example of the kinds of arrests that we tend to see week in and week out, the following collection of police reports is just a taste of the range of arrests for driving under the influence of alcohol, prescription drugs and even illegal substances, such as marijuana and cocaine.

Car Crash in Little Silver Nets Driver a DWI
According to an item in the news, the driver of a sport utility vehicle hit a Monmouth County light pole late on a Friday afternoon. Police reports indicate that the 41-year-old driver was heading northbound on Branch Ave. when his vehicle veered across the centerline, hitting the utility pole on the southbound side of the roadway.

Police said that the Middletown, NJ, resident was the only occupant in the SUV at the time of the crash, and that after the collision he allegedly exited the vehicle under his own power and fled the scene on foot. Police caught up with the individual after a local resident called police to report a person talking on a cellphone who seemed out of place in the neighborhood.

A patrolman from the Fair Haven Police Department made the arrest. Apparently, another witness had earlier called police and described an SUV that was being driven in an apparent erratic manner. After being treated and released from Riverview Medical Center for minor injuries, the driver of the SUV was charged by police with DWI, leaving an accident scene, failing to report a car crash, reckless driving, as well as several other offenses. He was later released without bail.

Red Bank Police Arrest Numerous Suspects
Many DWI, DUI, underage alcohol possession and drug-related arrests take place every month in cities and towns all around New Jersey. Red Bank is no exception. The following are a sampling of the kinds of arrests and charges that result.

A 27-year-old female driver was stopped by police along a stretch of Monmouth Street for what was likely a routine traffic offense. In the process of the stop, the officer in charge may have observed evidence of alcohol consumption or use by the driver, which probably led to the Middletown, NJ, resident being charged with driving while intoxicated. Several days before this arrest, a 44-year-old Tinton Falls woman was stopped by police, most likely for a routine traffic violation. In the process, the patrolman making the stop, which reportedly occurred along a stretch of Newman Springs Rd., observed what he likely felt was sufficient evidence of alcohol use on the part of the driver. The woman was subsequently arrested and charged with driving under the influence.

A 41-year-old Rahway, NJ, man was reportedly arrested for drunken driving following a traffic stop along a portion of Mechanic Street, while the day before a 47-year-old resident of Jackson was arrested by police officers on Newman Springs Rd. and charged with possession of less than 50g of marijuana as well as possession of drug paraphernalia.

A teenage girl from Atlantic Highlands was picked up by Red Bank police in the vicinity of River Rd. for underage possession of alcohol. There was no mention of whether the charges also included underage drinking.

A 29-year-old male and a 48-year-old male were arrested on the same day and charged with driving while intoxicated by alcohol. The younger man, a Parsippany resident, was charged with DWI and then released pending his appearance in court at a later date. The older driver, from Middletown, New Jersey, was also charged with operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.

Middletown Police Report, AHHerald.com, May 8, 2012
Red bank Police Report, AHHerald.com, May 1, 2012
Driver Charged with DWI, Fleeing Scene; RedbankGreen.com, April 30, 2012

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