
Morris County, NJ, Drunk Driving News: Police Charge Drivers with DWI and Marijuana Possession

As a New Jersey DWI defense lawyer, I represent numerous clients accused of drunken driving. These individuals may or may not have been operating their vehicles under the influence of alcohol, prescription drugs, or illegal substances such as cocaine, heroine or marijuana. Although their individual circumstances may vary, the way in which they were stopped by police and arrested for driving while intoxicated are generally similar.

Looking at the local police blotters, we typically find examples of DWI and drug DUI arrests all across the state. From Essex to Monmouth County and Passaic to Ocean County, dozens of motorists are pulled over and issued summonses every week. Sobriety checkpoints, or DWI roadblocks as they are sometimes called, are also a source of drunken driving arrests here in the Garden State. For a look at the kinds of arrests made throughout New Jersey, the following items are typical.

Denville Local police stopped a 35-year-old female driver after she was observed driving the wrong way along a stretch of Rte 46 early on a Thursday morning. The driver, a resident of Kearny, NJ, was pulled over and apparently exhibited signs of intoxication. The officers arrested the driver and charged her with drunk driving, careless and reckless, as well as driving on the wrong side of the highway. She was subsequently released to a responsible party.

Jefferson A local man was stopped by police after they observed the individual allegedly driving in a reckless manner in a snow-covered parking area at Stanlick School. During the stop, which occurred on Saturday, the 18-year-old driver was charged with driving under the influence and also possession of less that 50 grams of marijuana. Another man in the vehicle, an 18-year-old local resident, was also charged with possession of pot (less than 50g) and possession of paraphernalia. Both men were released pending court appearances.

A 23-year-old Sussex man was stopped for speeding by police along a stretch of Rte 15 on a Thursday. After pulling the motorist’s vehicle over, officers apparently detected signs of inebriation and arrested him for drunken driving. He was subsequently released an appearance date in municipal court.

A 21-year-old driver was stopped by a police patrol along Ridge Rd. on a Monday. According to the news report, officers arrested the driver for driving under the influence of alcohol and for drug DUI. The last charge was for being under the influence of a controlled dangerous substance (CDS) for purposes other than treatment of sickness or injury.

Another Jefferson resident, a 26-year-old man, was stopped by police after they apparently observed the driver tailgating another vehicle along a stretch of Espanong Rd. during a Sunday. The driver apparently exhibited telltale signs of intoxication by alcohol and police then arrested and charged him with drunken driving. He was subsequently released pending his appearance in municipal court.

Morris County, NJ, police blotter, DailyRecord.com, December 31, 2010

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