
NJ DWI and DUI Police Blotter: Drunken and Impaired Driving News from Across New Jersey

As a New Jersey drunk driving defense lawyer, my office represents dozens of clients accused of a range of traffic offenses including driving under the influence of alcohol, prescription and illicit drug DUI, breath test refusal and other DWI-related charges. Not every drunken driving arrest results in a conviction, which is due to a variety of possible scenarios and different facts attached to each case.

The following is a selection of recent drunk driving arrests across the Garden State. Whether you live in Newark, Red Bank, Atlantic City or any of other cities and towns in New Jersey, a conviction for driving while intoxicated can adversely affect your life. However, you should never assume that you have don’t have options following a drug DUI or DWI arrest.

A local resident was picked up recently by police after running her vehicle up onto a curb in Orange, NJ. The incident occurred just before 2:30am on January 3, when the 23-year-old woman apparently lost control of her sedan, struck the curb and then hit a stop sign. Police responded to the accident at Orange and Elm streets apparently on a call from another motorist or resident in the area.

According to reports, police officers arriving on the scene found the woman’s 2001 Mitsubishi Diamante up on the curb with damage to its front end and the right-front tire. Officers also noted a street sign, which had apparently been struck by the vehicle and was now lying in the roadway.

Police reports indicate that there were five occupants in the car, including the driver, all of which were unhurt. However, law enforcement officers observed that the suspect was slurring her words, swaying and staggering as she stood outside the vehicle. Based on these observations, officers requested the woman take several field sobriety tests, which she failed. She was charged with DWI and careless driving, according to police.

Al local motorist was stopped by police after the officers saw a 2009 Ford Flex weaving in and out of its lane around 1:45am on January 2. According to news reports, patrolmen pulled over the 42-year-old driver near the intersection of Bloomfield Avenue and Valley Road.

Upon questioning the driver, the officers noticed that the man’s speech was slurred and his eyes were watery. The suspect was subsequently requested to take a number of sobriety tests, which he apparently failed — it was reported that the man nearly fell over after losing his balance during one of the tests, according to police.

In addition to being charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, the man was also cited for careless driving and failing to properly use his turn signal.

A 30-year-old local woman was arrested by Bridgeton police early in January along Madison Street and charged with driving while intoxicated. The late-night arrest occurred when law enforcement officers reportedly spotted a vehicle being driven without its headlights on. After pulling the motorist over, police suspected that the driver was intoxicated.

Following several field sobriety tests, officers requested the woman take a breath test to determine her blood-alcohol content (BAC). She reportedly refused to submit to the testing. Police charged her with breath test refusal, reckless driving and failing to have headlights activated when required. She was subsequently released on her own recognizance.

Bridgeton police blotter includes warrant and DWI arrests, man charged in domestic dispute, NJ.com, January 15, 2010

Police Blotter, NorthJersey.com, January 7, 2010

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