
Summer On The Jersey Shore Brings Increased DWI Offenses

For any experienced DWI attorney that practices in Ocean County, the summer brings an increased case load. The reason is because the influx of tourists and vacationers brings a distinct upturn in the number of driving while intoxicated offenses.  Hotspot destinations like Seaside Heights and Long Beach Island definitely fall within this description although just about all the towns along the Garden State Parkway and beach experience a rise in DUI violations. The following is the breakdown of Ocean County Municipalities with the highest number of DWI filings. The statistics are for the most recently reported 12 month period published by the New Jersey Administrative Offices of the Courts (July 2013-June 2104). The data reveals the following rankings in terms of those arrested for DUI/DWI in Ocean County NJ:

  1. Toms River (364)
  2. Brick Township (261)
  3. Lakewood (207)
  4. Lacey (183)
  5. Stafford Township (163)
  6. Manchester (142)
  7. Jackson Township (138)

While efforts to target those who drive drunk and under the influence of marijuana, prescription drugs, heroin, cocaine, etc., in towns like these take their roots at the local level, the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office is also active in taking measures to identify those who operate under the influence. And unlike some other jurisdictions, the County does not announce where and when the related checkpoints will be positioned. The thought is that this will avoid intentional bypass of roadblock locations by intoxicated motorist. The point of all of this is that the public should be aware that there is a considerable effort to apprehend those who violate the DUI and DWI law.

Our Toms River Office is available to assist anyone who has been arrested and charged with DWI in Ocean County. We feature a team of 8 defense lawyers that includes former prosecutors in approximately 50% of the municipalities in the county. Several of the attorneys also possess certification in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing and on the Alcotest; dual certification like this is rare in the state and we have several with this training. The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall can offer you skilled representation in the defense of your Ocean County DWI Charge. Call us anytime 24/7 at 732-286-6500 to speak to an experienced attorney about your case. The consultation is free of charge so do not hesitate to contact us.

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