For anyone who wonders if the nation’s financial woes have impact enforcement of drunken driving laws here in the Garden State, the short answer is likely, No, at least in the near term. As New Jersey DWI defense attorneys, I and my legal staff talk to dozens of individuals every month who have been accused of driving while intoxicated. Although many of these people believe they are not guilty, some may be convicted of DWI or drug DUI and others may not. Whatever the circumstances surrounding a drunken driving arrest, it’s always a good idea to get some perspective from a qualified defense attorney.
Getting back to the issue of DWI-DUI enforcement, such as roadside sobriety checkpoints and roadblocks, as well as enhanced drunk driving patrols, recent news articles show that the funding of state and municipal police agencies continues apace regardless of talk swirling around Washington, D.C, to limit costly appropriations and government-funded programs.
Regardless of whether one is arrested in the city streets of Trenton, Toms River or Princeton, odds are that some motorists will be picked up by a police officer whose overtime is paid for by federal money received by New Jersey law enforcement agencies. The question that many people may be asking themselves is whether these expenditures are worth even a significant increase in drunken driving arrests and DWI or drug DUI summonses.
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