Unless one saw it in the paper or caught it online, we now know the top four places in the state that get the most funding for anti-drunken driving enforcement here in the Garden State. As New Jersey DWI defense attorneys, my firm is well aware of the lengths that the state and local towns and municipalities will go to arrest more and more drunken drivers, or at least charge motorists with allegedly driving while under the influence of alcohol or prescription medication (drug DUI).
We’ll add here that one doesn’t actually need to be legally drunk to be pulled over by an officer; in fact, the police can not stop a vehicle merely on a hunch that the driver is operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. What needs to happen is the officer only needs to observe that a traffic law has been broken — this can include something as serious as a multi-vehicle accident, or as minor as a burned-out headlight or improper turn-signal usage.
Whatever the reason for the initial traffic stop, a drunken driving arrest may be right around the corner is the officer then detects evidence of driving while under the influence. This also goes for motorists who may have illegal drugs, such as marijuana or cocaine, both known as a controlled dangerous substance (CDS). Just possessing weed or cannabis in a motor vehicle can precipitate an arrest following a routine traffic stop.
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