Though we’ve said it many times here, it always bears repeating: climbing into a car or truck while possible intoxicated by alcohol or some other substance is a potentially dangerous activity. As a New Jersey drunken driving defense attorney and former municipal prosecutor, I understand the consequences of operating a motor vehicle while impaired. Certainly being stopped by police is a bad situation if one is found to be drunk at the time, but causing an accident — especially a fatal car crash — is something nobody wishes for.
This said, it should be obvious that injuring or killing another person as a result of an alleged drunk driving traffic will not sit well with the police or the court of the municipality in which the offense occurred. The complications of such an event mean that the defendant should seriously consider enlisting the services of a qualified and experienced DWI defense attorney.
Newspapers and the internet are filled with stories of motorists involved in bad situations not always of their own making, but nonetheless human nature being what it is, there will likely always be traffic accidents caused in some way, shape or form by alcohol use; not to mention impaiment by prescription medication or illegal drug use. As motorists ourselves, we cannot escape that reality, but we can remind people to be cautious, enlist the services of a designated driver, or take a cab or bus when one is intoxicated and unable to drive competently.
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