There are few things that will get the attention of a New Jersey State Trooper or local patrolman faster than a motorist operating a vehicle that is obviously damaged, in poor repair, or incorrectly maintained. As such, there are few worse scenarios than attempting to drive a mechanically compromised automobile when you as the driver are also somewhat compromised by alcohol (DWI), prescription meds (drug DUI), or an illegal substance (also known as a controlled dangerous substance or CDS).
Furthermore, it doesn’t take a skilled legal professional to know that here in the Garden State, being arrested for DWI or drug DUI is not the best path to a happy future. Aside from the general embarrassment, potential negative career implications, or interpersonal problems that such an event can trigger, the cost of a conviction for drunken driving can be rather significant, especially for those individuals who already have tight family budgets.
All this being said, there are ways to avoid attracting the attention of the local constabulary. First and foremost is not getting into the driver’s seat after having even one drink. Whether you are below the legal limit of 0.08 percent blood-alcohol content (BAC) or not, being even slightly impaired can raise your chances of having an accident by affecting one’s ability to control the vehicle; never mind the possibility of standing out in a crowd by weaving, failing to signal, speeding, or even going much too slowly.
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