As a New Jersey DWI defense attorney, my law offices have a vast amount of experience handling a wide variety of drunken driving, marijuana possession in a vehicle, and drug DUI cases throughout the Garden State. The following is just a sample of the typical police arrests in the Bergen County area that happen every month. These can include driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled dangerous substances (CDS), breath test refusal and possession of cannabis (or weed) in a motor vehicle.
East Rutherford
A 41-year-old man was stopped by police after being caught on radar doing 82mph in a 55mph speed zone. The incident occurred just after 10pm when ERPD officers saw a 2000 Hyundai traveling at a high rate of speed. Following the traffic stop, the driver apparently told officers that he had several drinks previous to taking the wheel. Police reportedly administered field sobriety tests, which the suspect failed, according to police reports. A breath test indicated that the man’s blood-alcohol content (BAC) was 0.17 percent — twice the legal limit. The driver was arrested and charged with drunk driving, careless driving and speeding. He was subsequently released to a responsible party.